“Dreams on a Pillow” presents a unique video gaming experience that delves into the historical events of the 1948 Nakba. This period saw around 700,000 individuals being forced to leave their homes due to Zionist actions, marking a significant moment of displacement.
This intriguing game, styled as a “pseudo-3D stealth adventure,” aims to tell the story of a land transforming its people into a stateless population. Crafted by Palestinian game developer Rasheed Abu-Eideh, the project holds significant promise. But before diving into the specifics of this latest endeavor, let’s take a little detour to explore Abu-Eideh’s earlier work.
Back in 2016, Abu-Eideh introduced the world to “Liyla and the Shadows of War,” a title set amid the tumultuous events of Operation Protective Edge, the Israeli assault on Gaza in 2014. The game focuses on a Palestinian girl and her family as they struggle to survive under siege. Despite being a short experience, it packs an emotional punch, combining platform elements with a choose-your-own-adventure narrative style. In 2021, “Liyla” became a part of an Indie Bundle Pack that impressively raised close to $900,000 for Palestinian aid through UNRWA USA.
As of now, “Liyla and the Shadows of War” is freely accessible on mobile devices and Windows platforms. However, its journey wasn’t without challenges. Initially, in 2016, the Apple App Store declined to list it as a game due to its political content, suggesting instead it be classified as “News” or “Reference.” This sparked widespread criticism, especially as a game titled “Israeli Heroes” faced no such barriers. After raising awareness about this issue on social media, Abu-Eideh eventually succeeded in getting Apple to recognize “Liyla” under the games category.
Today, Abu-Eideh’s new venture, “Dreams on a Pillow,” is in the crowdfunding phase on LaunchGood, with the campaign running until January 13. The funds garnered will be crucial for developing the game’s assets, contracting external expertise, and compensating the current nine-member team. If all goes according to plan, we can look forward to its release in the fourth quarter of 2026.