Extremely OK Games recently announced the cancellation of their much-anticipated game, Earthblade. Initially revealed in 2021 by the creators of Celeste, the project faced multiple challenges over the years, including delays and internal conflicts, which led to the unfortunate decision to scrap it entirely before it ever hit the markets. Fans who eagerly awaited Earthblade must now look forward to what this creative indie developer will bring next.
Originally, the team at Extremely OK Games aimed to complete Earthblade by the end of 2022, setting sights on a 2023 launch. However, throughout its development, various issues were signaled to fans, including technical hurdles and heavy workloads. Despite the supportive response from the community, these challenges proved insurmountable, resulting in the game’s ultimate cancellation.
In a blog post dated January 22, key figure Maddy Thorson shared that the decision to cancel Earthblade was made in December 2024, though it was kept under wraps until the new year. Behind this decision were disagreements among the team regarding the intellectual property rights for Celeste, a conflict that eventually led to a founding member’s departure. While not the sole reason for canceling, as Earthblade faced delays even before these internal issues, the shakeup likely pushed the decision over the edge.
According to Thorson, losing a pivotal member prompted the team to reassess whether the ongoing development strain was worthwhile. The determination was that the project had become too burdensome, and progress was too sluggish to justify further continuation. However, this isn’t the end for Extremely OK Games. Thorson concluded the announcement by highlighting the studio’s pivot toward smaller, more manageable projects akin to their acclaimed titles, Celeste and Towerfall.
Following Earthblade’s cancellation, the studio is essentially starting over, which implies a waiting period for any news on upcoming ventures. Gamers have been forced to adjust to such cancellations more often lately, with Reflector also cutting short its franchise plans after their debut title, Unknown 9: Awakening, failed to meet expectations.