Fans of Marvel Rivals have recently stumbled upon a quirky loophole involving Doctor Strange and Jeff the Land Shark, which allows them to banish opponents off the game’s map. This discovery has sparked quite the conversation among the community as Season 1: Eternal Night Falls approaches its end. Many players are eagerly speculating about new characters joining the roster in the upcoming Season 2. There’s a strong belief that Blade might make an appearance as a new playable hero.
The game has seen players come up with some unique strategies using Doctor Strange’s portals. One inventive player positioned a portal opening directly in line with the sun, effectively blinding enemies attempting to engage from that angle. These creative uses add a layer of fun and showcase the ingenuity of players in leveraging Doctor Strange’s skillset creatively.
On Reddit, a user named Diapy shared a captivating video demonstrating the Doctor Strange and Jeff the Land Shark exploit in action. In the clip, Doctor Strange cunningly positions one end of his portal in a corner and sets the other where enemies are actively battling. Jeff then swoops in, using his ultimate ability to scoop up adversaries and send them flying through the portal, casting them off the map. This leaves the opponents helplessly stuck in a void for the entirety of the match. Players involved find themselves unable to respawn, trapped until the game concludes.
The footage reveals the exploit from different hero perspectives, including Squirrel Girl, Doctor Strange, and Jeff the Land Shark, giving viewers a comprehensive view of the glitch. Many fans agree that NetEase Games, the developer, needs to address and patch this issue promptly as it can greatly disrupt gameplay. While waiting for the fix, some gamers have taken to advising others to report any players abusing this exploit, as doing so could potentially lead to a ban.
Since Marvel Rivals launched, Jeff’s ultimate has been a point of contention among players. The ability allows him to pick up several enemies and toss them off the map—while it’s a legal move within the game, it has still managed to frustrate a sizable number of players. Initially, there were problems with the ability’s hitbox, causing players to be captured unexpectedly, but these issues have since been resolved by NetEase Games. Despite occasional bugs and glitches, many fans maintain a hopeful outlook for Marvel Rivals and its future developments.