Ayaneo’s latest entry into the handheld gaming market, the Ayaneo Pocket DMG, has made its debut on the crowdfunding platform IndieGogo. This fresh take on a GameBoy-style device is powered by Qualcomm’s Snapdragon G3X Gen 2 and boasts an OLED display. Currently, the early bird deals start at just $339 for a base model equipped with 8GB of RAM and 128GB of storage. For those interested in higher specs, the premium version is priced at $499 with 16GB of RAM and 512GB of storage, while a special “Retro Color” edition is available for $589 during this early phase.
At these competitive prices, the integrated Snapdragon chip doesn’t disappoint, delivering impressive performance for mobile gaming. It can run popular titles like Genshin Impact at a steady 60 frames per second and handle game emulation up to the GameCube and PlayStation 2 eras with ease. However, if your primary aim is to expand an existing PC handheld setup, you might find Valve’s Steam Deck more appealing for its broader game library and lower cost.
Aside from its price and core features, the handheld packs a surprising array of functionalities given its compact size. It includes hidden trigger buttons nestled between the shoulder buttons, motion controls, and a touchpad on the right side, ensuring you have plenty of control options. These features are particularly beneficial for streaming games from your PC to the Pocket DMG. The analog stick is small but hall-effect, which means it’s designed to resist drifting as it ages.
While an OLED screen might seem excessive for its size, it’s a smart choice by Ayaneo, mirroring the high-quality displays seen in devices like the Analogue Pocket. The Ayaneo Pocket DMG features a 3.92-inch OLED display with a 1,240 x 1,080 resolution, promising vivid colors and up to 450 nits of brightness. This combination should offer low latency, making it an excellent companion for retro gaming, although it won’t rival more powerful PC handhelds or devices like the Steam Deck OLED for AAA games.
In terms of emulation and Android gaming, the Ayaneo Pocket DMG positions itself as a noteworthy option despite its smaller form. Considering modern mobile games and the requirements of emulation, investing in the entry-level model and expanding storage with an SD card seems the most cost-effective approach.
The device doesn’t skimp on connectivity either, featuring USB 3.2 Gen 2 with a Type-C port that supports speeds up to 10 Gigabits per second, along with Wi-Fi 7 and Bluetooth 5.3. While the wired options are basic, they are adequate for transferring smaller files. The Wi-Fi 7 support, however, is ideal for streaming games like those via Steam Remote Play.
It’s important to remember that supporting a crowdfunding project carries risks, similar to making an investment. You’re endorsing a project you believe in, with the hope of seeing it come to fruition, rather than purchasing a finished retail product outright.