Back in July, the virtual realm opened up to Attack on Titan VR: Unbreakable as it made its debut in Early Access on Quest. It initially offered a tantalizing glimpse with one mission and some unlockable blades, marking the beginning of a journey that promised to evolve over time. Fast forward a few months, and the developer UNIVRS has unveiled the ‘Complete Edition’, now expanded to four chapters.
When we first strapped on our VR gear in July, the game felt much like a technical showcase. It boasted core gameplay, but was limited to just a single chapter and an endless wave mode that featured a scoreboard for competitive players.
Now, with the Complete Edition in the spotlight, Part One allows players to dive into the adventure with chapters three and four. The narrative concludes with an Epilogue, and players are thrust into an epic battle against an Armored Titan boss. This edition marks the debut of a co-operative play mode too, opening up all the chapters for a shared experience with friends.
Accompanying the full game launch, UNIVRS has announced an exciting ‘Thunder Spear Unlock Event’ slated for January. They’re calling it a “global challenge” which sounds like an intriguing test for players worldwide. Additionally, a free update is on the horizon for 2025, as teased on the game’s webpage.
While we initially noted some rough edges in our summer hands-on review, it seems the game has struck a chord with its fan base. At the time of writing, Attack on Titan VR: Unbreakable enjoys a robust 4.5 out of 5 rating on the Horizon Store.
For those who purchased the Early Access edition initially, Part 2 comes as a welcome, cost-free addition. Newcomers can pick up Part 1 for $8, with Part 2 available at an additional $12 (though you’ll need Part 1 to continue). There’s also the option to grab both parts bundled for a neat $20. And as for compatibility, the game supports Quest 2, Quest 3/S, and Quest Pro.