A Pokémon enthusiast has put a fresh spin on Michelangelo’s legendary artwork, “The Creation of Adam,” infusing it with a unique Pokémon flair. The artist reimagines this iconic scene, depicting the mystical moment where Arceus, the creator in the Pokémon universe, brings Mew into existence.
In Pokémon lore, introduced in Pokémon Red and Blue, Mew is often thought of as the progenitor of all Pokémon due to its possession of the genetic blueprint for every Pokémon species. Despite this, it took years for the series to disclose Arceus as the all-encompassing creator of the Pokémon universe. With this in mind, the artist has meticulously crafted a version of the classic painting where Arceus appears in the role of creator, reaching out to Mew.
Artist and Reddit user Cordio04 released their version of this celebrated Renaissance painting, maintaining its essence while adding a fun Pokémon twist. Set against the backdrop of the Sistine Chapel, this rendition sees Arceus reaching out with a leg to lightly touch Mew’s tail as it playfully floats—a nod to the creature’s usual playful antics. This fan art acknowledges the depth of the Pokémon series, which draws from a host of real-world inspirations including historical art figures and myths, making it quite fitting to mirror such a masterwork through a Pokémon lens.
While the piece already stands out, Cordio04 has plans to expand it further. The original mural featured a multitude of figures and symbols, inspiring the artist to introduce the Lake Guardian Trio next. Given that these characters were brought into being by Arceus, they seem like natural additions. One fan proposed decorating Arceus’ Life Plates with the silhouettes of various Mythic and Legendary Pokémon, though they worried it might overly complicate the scene. Cordio04 considered possibly recoloring the plates as a subtler nod to these Pokémon. Furthermore, the suggestion to include the Creation Trio was met with an enthusiastic agreement from the artist.
Watching how Cordio04 evolves their artwork will be intriguing, as the creation myths within the Pokémon universe remain a hot topic among fans. Some argue in favor of Bulbasaur, arguing it holds the title of the “first” Pokémon as it appears first in the original Pokédex. Others advocate for Rhydon, the first Pokémon ever designed for the games. Regardless of where fans stand on the debate, this cleverly executed tribute to the Pokémon series certainly brings a smile.
As Pokémon continues to be a cultural behemoth, encompassing an endless variety of media from games to merchandise and television shows, creative amalgamations like Cordio04’s art celebrate the vibrant and imaginative world born from Satoshi Tajiri’s original creation.