In the thrilling adventure of Synth Beasts, you step into the shoes of a failed experiment known as a “Synth,” who daringly escapes from the lab on a mysterious island. As you venture through the intriguing archipelago, you’ll come across other Synths. Be warned, these encounters are anything but friendly. Engage them in battle and, upon victory, you’ll unlock these foes as playable characters. This invaluable addition not only brings unique combat skills to your arsenal but also helps you uncover secrets hidden across this expansive world.
As you utilize your Synths in battles, they earn experience points, allowing them to level up. Each Synth offers five stages of progression, complete with distinctive perks that highlight their strengths. As they grow stronger, you’ll notice it’s increasingly tough to gather more experience. It’s crucial to swap them frequently to get the most out of your team’s potential and to unveil more abilities!
Take the “Psitek” Synth, for instance—it can ignite torches right off the bat. Once it hits level three, it gains the ability to destroy enemy projectiles with an impressive fire slash, a crucial skill in some dungeons. But beyond this, most of Psitek’s enhancements focus on combat. It might be more effective to switch to a different Synth to uncover new abilities more efficiently!
Early on in your journey, you’re granted access to a boat, once used by scientists, now yours to command. The Genesis Archipelago is a haven of small islands teeming with bonuses waiting to be discovered. These treasures include additional hearts, items to boost your stats, and money to spend in local shops. However, if you prefer not to search every nook and cranny, feel free to head straight for the principal islands and directly challenge the scientists to dismantle their dubious operations.
While the major islands host formidable boss Synths, many optional smaller islands hold hidden secrets as well. Collecting all 40-plus Synths is no easy task, but every corner of the Genesis Archipelago rewards those willing to seek it out!
It’s a captivating journey as you explore the Genesis Archipelago, liberate the Synth Beasts, and bring an end to the sinister experiments of the scientists. Get ready for Synth Beasts, slated for release in 2025 on Xbox Series X|S, Xbox One, and available in the Microsoft Store.