In an unexpected twist, Storm has emerged as the top powerhouse in Marvel Rivals’ first season. Recent enhancements have transformed her from a less formidable character into a dominant force across all skill levels in the game’s ranked mode.
RivalsMeta, a stats tracking site pulling data straight from the game’s comprehensive API, reveals that Storm boasts the highest win rate among the 35 heroes, sitting comfortably at about 57%. Compare that to last season, when she was at a modest 51% and generally seen as one of the weakest choices against fan favorites like Hela, Hawkeye, and Psylocke. The key tweak—a boost to her damage output and her hurricane ultimate’s survivability—significantly shifted the balance in her favor.
But it’s not just her aerial prowess that’s winning hearts. It’s the team-wide damage boost she offers, effectively turning her into a stealth support character masquerading as a damage dealer. Any team with Storm instantly becomes razor-sharp, especially when paired with other popular support heroes like Mantis, who also provide significant damage boosts. With both on board, teams become nearly invincible.
At the top echelons of play, Storm’s influence is palpable, especially for characters like Magik and Wolverine who thrive on close-range engagements. Thanks to Storm’s enhancements, they can now dive in and out of combat more easily, much to the dismay of support players. Even Black Widow, once struggling to secure kills with her sniper abilities, is finding new opportunities to climb the tier lists.
This scenario highlights how even minor buffs can dramatically reshape the meta. Although no one’s clamoring for a Storm nerf right now, it wouldn’t be surprising if those calls start coming as more players realize the power of this elusive flying hero and her team-wide advantages. Game director Guangyun Chen mentioned to Metro that the development team prefers to let players experiment over imposing restrictions, like limiting hero roles within a team. So, if another balance pass isn’t in the cards for this season, it might be a good idea to start honing your skills with this psionic powerhouse soon.