The highly anticipated sequel, Citizen Sleeper 2: Starward Vector, is set to build on the success of its predecessor, a tabletop-inspired cyberpunk RPG that received widespread acclaim for its unique dice mechanics and impressive world-building. Created by solo indie developer Gareth Damian Martin from Jump Over the Age, the original Citizen Sleeper was a game-changer, seamlessly bringing some of the best elements of tabletop RPGs into the digital space. The sequel looks set to continue that legacy.
Citizen Sleeper 2 isn’t just about carrying the torch from Citizen Sleeper; it’s about upping the ante. It offers a grander experience with more intricate systems, an expansive world, and higher stakes that will keep players engaged. Despite the numerous enhancements, the game maintains the essence of a tabletop RPG, something Martin is committed to preserving. In a discussion with Game Rant, Martin revealed that the mechanics and philosophies from their favorite tabletop games heavily influenced the development of this sequel.
Citizen Sleeper 2 builds upon the innovative dice pool mechanic that was a hallmark of the original game. This system treats dice as limited action resources with predetermined outcomes, adding a strategic layer for players. Instead of relying on the luck of the roll, players must choose carefully when to use lower-valued dice. Martin mentioned how the success of the first game encouraged them to dive deeper into these mechanics and expand upon them.
“I saw the first game as an experiment that worked really well,” Martin said. “For this sequel, I wanted to incorporate more ideas and complexities that I love from tabletop games.” At the top of this list was a stress system, inspired by games like Blades in the Dark. These stress systems create tension and excitement, something Martin wanted to bring into the digital space for those who haven’t experienced it.
Citizen Sleeper 2’s new stress system is a major addition, allowing tension to build with each failed action or negative outcome. High stress levels increase the chance of dice being damaged, which affects player actions and complicates the gameplay. This risk management aspect ties into the game’s new Push abilities, making it a crucial part of the player experience.
In Citizen Sleeper 2, not every situation is about winning or losing; both success and failure can be interesting. The aggressive autosave feature makes players stick with the outcomes they get, be they victories or setbacks. This mirrors the spirit of tabletop games, where the best stories often arise from complications, rather than straightforward successes. Martin emphasized that these moments of nuance are embedded in the game’s philosophy.
“Players can’t just reload their saves to avoid bad outcomes,” Martin explained. “They need to trust me that there will always be something interesting, even when things don’t go as planned. It’s about finding success with consequences, a concept that I believe drives the best gaming experiences.”
It’s not just difficulty that creates interesting scenarios in Citizen Sleeper 2. Success might also lead to complex situations — perhaps completing a task only creates deeper challenges stemming from the risks taken. Like its predecessor, this sequel is complex and layered, inviting players to embrace the unexpected turns of events and discover where they lead.