As Pokémon reaches almost three years without a new main series game, fans can’t help but speculate about what the 10th generation will bring. Game Freak, known for spotlighting beloved creatures from past installments, has the chance to breathe new life into a classic Gen 1 Pokémon. There’s no better time for this fresh perspective than with Pokémon Generation 10, which might finally put a positive spin on a quintessential Generation 1 Pokémon.
The first generation of Pokémon games holds a special place in many fans’ hearts, and it seems Game Freak is well aware of this nostalgia. They’ve been steadily introducing new evolutions, regional forms, and even convergent forms for older Pokémon, especially from the original roster. This not only enriches their backstories but also enhances their abilities. And while it looks like this trend will continue, there’s one Pokémon from the initial line-up that truly deserves some extra attention—Cubone. Known for its heartbreaking tale, Cubone could really use a fresh start. While some fans treasure Cubone for its poignant backstory and others dream up theories about its lineage, it’s ultimately defined by its tragic origins. This upcoming generation could be just the opportunity to flip Cubone’s narrative.
### How a New Form Could Cheer Up Cubone
Since the series’ second generation, Game Freak has been giving certain Pokémon exciting new updates, such as evolutions for Golbat, Seadra, and Tangela, allowing them to shine and improve their capabilities. A similar approach seems to drive the concept behind regional forms and evolutions too. Cubone’s own evolution, Marowak, got a fiery makeover with its Alolan form in Generation 7, and giving Cubone a new evolution, regional variant, or even a convergent form might just be what it needs for a happier storyline.
### A New Evolution for Cubone
One path Game Freak might explore is giving Cubone a new evolution. Fans have imagined what a further evolution of Marowak could look like, and there’s even a theory that Cubone was always supposed to evolve three times, potentially leading to the Kangaskhan lineage. A third evolution could signify Marowak shedding its morbid headgear as a metaphor for healing and acceptance, transforming Cubone’s story into one of resilience and recovery.
### Cubone’s Convergent Mirror Image
With Generation 9 introducing the idea of convergent evolutions, fans speculate that more such evolutions could appear next. Cubone seems like an excellent candidate for this concept. A convergent evolution could let a new Pokémon take on a similar appearance to Cubone but come with a storyline as cheerful as Cubone’s is somber. It might feel like a twist of fate, but this parallel could create engaging dynamics between the original and its counterpart.
### Something Completely New
Pokémon has entered an era of bold experimentation, starting with battle mechanics like Mega Evolution back in Gen 6. Each new generation has brought its own battle-enhancing features tied into the storyline. Generation 10 is likely to introduce a new game mechanic, which might finally give Cubone a new form or power resonating with the new narrative. Considering the plethora of possibilities, it would be unfortunate if the series leaves Cubone in its current plight; here’s hoping for a bright new chapter in its tale.