Game Source Entertainment, together with Tokyo Virtual Theory (TVT), has exciting news for rhythm game enthusiasts: Ratatan, a rhythm-infused roguelike action game, is headed to the Nintendo Switch.
Picture this: you’re on the vibrant island of Rataport, a sharp contrast to its serene, surrounding sea. It’s here where Ratatan, a quirky, animal-like character, resides alongside its friends, the Cobun. Despite their varied looks and quirky personalities, they all share a single dream: a journey to The Everafter to meet The Goddess rumored to dwell there. No matter how many times they stumble, their determination to fulfill this dream never wavers.
Interesting to note is that the game is brought to life in collaboration with Hiroyuki Kotani, the producer of the acclaimed Patapon series. In Ratatan, you get to step into the shoes of Ratatan, wielding magical instruments. By keeping in tune with the beat, you issue commands to your Cobun armies to launch attacks against your adversaries. Hit those rhythm sequences just right and you’ll activate Fever Mode, a special state where the background music evolves dynamically, and characters unleash a variety of new actions.
Eager to get your hands on it? Mark your calendars for 2025 when Ratatan will make its digital debut on the Nintendo eShop, available for Switch players across the globe.