The Witcher universe is a rich tapestry of history and lore, woven over centuries on the vast landscape known as the Continent. Long before the tales spun in The Witcher 3, the event known as the Conjunction of the Spheres reshaped the world, bringing forth creatures of myth and the chaotic force of magic. In response, human societies forged witchers and sorcerers to navigate this new reality.
Throughout the acclaimed trilogy, fans have journeyed alongside Geralt of Rivia, the series’ iconic protagonist. However, CD Projekt RED has announced a shift for future installments, indicating that Geralt will not be the central character anymore. While this marks the end of an era for his character, it paves the way for fresh narratives and exploration within this beloved universe. Introducing a new protagonist, possibly like Ciri, could breathe fresh life into the series. Ciri’s connections, as Nilfgaard’s heir and the possessor of Elder Blood, would undoubtedly unravel new layers of the lore, offering stories from angles never seen before. Alternatively, introducing a witcher from a different School or era might diversify the narrative, offering new creatures and perspectives for players to explore.
Shifting focus to the potential of The Witcher 4 presents a fascinating opportunity. Up until now, the series has predominantly unfolded through Geralt’s viewpoint, with occasional diversions into Ciri’s world in The Witcher 3. While Geralt’s story provided a comprehensive look at the relationship between witchers, monsters, and the political landscape, it was still bound by his unique experiences. Transitioning to a character like Ciri could deepen players’ understanding of the series’ lore. Ciri, with her mystical heritage, political ties, and ability to traverse space and time, would offer a nuanced perspective on the intricate dance of power and magic in the Continent. Not only would this intrigue veteran players and readers of the books, but it would also serve as a captivating entry point for newcomers to the series who yet to delve into earlier games.
Facing the future, The Witcher series might embrace a narrative set after a time leap, where Ciri isn’t the main focus. Hints from The Witcher 4 teaser suggest the emergence of the School of the Lynx, which represents uncharted territory in the witcher mythos. A protagonist not limited to Ciri opens the door to diversifying the lore, with circumstances shaping their narrative lens. The chosen timeframe for these new adventures is crucial, defining both the witchers’ societal role and the state of the Continent. Depending on how The Witcher 3 concluded for each player, Nilfgaard could be in a secure position, Radovid might be eliminated, northern conflicts could be tapering off, and the Wild Hunt might be vanquished. If the sequel embarks on a journey well beyond these events, the entire socio-political landscape could transform, offering an entirely new context to explore.
For fans who eagerly await fresh experiences in the fantasy genre, The Witcher’s upcoming saga promises to both honor its roots and open up exhilarating new paths. As the narrative canvas broadens, players will have countless opportunities to engage with a world of moral ambiguity and unforgettable adventures.